Submitting claims
Viewing and filtering claims, drafts, and predeterminations 
You can view submitted claims for 12 months, and drafts for 30 days.
Submitting a claim for a new patient 
If you haven't submitted on behalf of your patient before or it's been more than 18 months since your last submission, you will need to create a new patient.
Submitting a claim for an existing patient 
If you've already submitted a claim on behalf of your patient, and you've submitted a claim within the last 18 months, you can search for the patient and then submit another claim.
Submitting a claim from a previous claim 
You can create a claim based on a previous claim that was successfully submitted, and has received an Explanation of benefits or Acknowledgement response.
Submitting a predetermination 
A predetermination request relates solely to services that have not yet been rendered. It is a request to obtain the amount that the insurer would pay if these services were provided on that same day. You should not submit a predetermination request if the service has already been provided.
Continuing a draft claim 
You can resume working on a draft claim that was initiated within the last 30 days. After 30 days, draft claims are discarded.
Voiding a claim 
You can cancel (or void) a payment request that has been successfully submitted, and has received an Explanation of benefits or Acknowledgement response. You can only void a claim on the day it was submitted.
Submitting claims for virtual consultations with eClaims