Viewing predeterminations and past claims
You can view the history of the paid claims.
The following rules define whether a claim is displayed in the portal, and for how long:
Claims are stored in the portal for 12 months. If you need them for more than 12 months, you will need to download them.
Error responses are kept in the portal for a day, and then removed.
If a claim is voided, the previous claim response is not displayed.
To view predeterminations and past claims:
In the eClaims application, select the Claims tab.
The Claims list is displayed. Claims are sorted by the date of submission
To filter the list of claims:
The Filters panel is displayed.
Enter or select the values for the fields you want to include in the filter. Select Show more to display more filters.
For the Response type field:
Acknowledgement returns payment requests with a status of Claim accepted. The request was received but adjudication was not completed.
Timeout returns payment requests with a status of Connection errors.The request did not reach the insurance company or was not processed within the expected timeframe.
Problem Encountered returns payment requests and predeterminations with a status of Problem encountered
Explanation of Benefits returns payment requests with a status of Claim accepted.
Error(s) returns payment requests and predeterminations with statuses of Application error and Problem encountered
Predetermination returns predeterminations with statuses of Predetermination accepted
Predetermination Acknowledgement returns predeterminations with statuses of Predetermination pending / acknowledgement.
Voided returns voided payment requests with statuses of Claim voided. The originally submitted request was cancelled.
Void Request Denied returns voided payment requests with statuses of Void request declined.
Void Timeout returns payment requests with statuses of Connection errors. The void request did not reach the insurance company or was not processed within the expected timeframe.
Select Apply filters.
The list is filtered. The filter values are included at the top of the list. To clear an aspect of a filter without launching it, select the x to the right of the filter value.
To download one or more claims or predeterminations:
Optionally filter the list.
The Download claims pop-up is displayed. The text displayed on this pop-up varies depending on whether you applied a filter.
Select the appropriate File format.
Select Download claims.
If prompted by your browser, you may choose whether to open the file (and with which application) or save it.
To submit a claim based on a predetermination or another claim, see Submitting a claim by copying a previous claim or predetermination.