Insurer responses and payments

There are nine types of responses:

You can view a claim's responses after it has been submitted, or from the Claims list. For information on using the Claims list, see Viewing predeterminations and past claims.

Note: The language of the comments included in these responses is that of the plan member’s preferred language as it appears in their insurer’s files.

Receiving payment

Depending on the insurance company, you may receive a cheque or an Electronic Fund Transfer (direct deposit) payment. Once you are registered and have access to the provider portal, you will have to register for direct deposit in order to benefit from using eClaims.

Payment to the provider (benefit assignment) is possible. The payment can be assigned to the provider or to the organization (clinic) the provider works for. Note: In some cases, the insurance company or patient's coverage does not permit the provider or provider's organization to be paid.

Payment is made directly by the insurance company or by TELUS Health. Please refer to the insurer-specific toolkits on the eClaims resources page for further information, or contact the insurer directly.

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Download your claims to support your payment reconciliation


Insurer payment cheat sheet

Insurer toolkits