Banking information

The Banking information page displays your banking account information, if it has been set.

The Banking information window

If you are registered with the WSIB service as a head office user, you can view your address, contact information, and any banking information you have set up. The number of linked organizations is presented, but the details are not:

The Banking Information window

Tip: Select the Instructions Question mark icon link to display more information about this window.

Account types

Three types of bank accounts may be available, based on the provider’s services.



Default account

Select this option if you want all insurers to use the same account for all transactions, in which case you do not need to create any other accounts. Or select this option to create an account used by all insurers except those with their own accounts, such as WSIB.


This option is available only to providers who are registered to access the WSIB electronic services.


This option is applicable to all provinces. The eClaims product allows Allied Healthcare professionals to submit electronic extended healthcare claims to participating private insurance companies. Complete this section if you are registered for access to the eClaims service.

Service locations

All bank accounts must be linked to at least one service location. Organizations and head offices can have only one active bank account per type of service. Independent WSIB providers can have as many bank accounts as they do addresses (personal business service addresses and associate clinics addresses) and services. Independent eClaims providers can only have one bank account for all addresses. In other words, for each location (of which each organization may only have one, and providers may have more than one) there can be a maximum of one unique account for the WSIB, and one shared account, used by all addresses, for eClaims.


The following table describes the tasks you can complete from this window.

For information on...


Adding a bank account

Adding a bank account

Confirming a deposit

Confirming a deposit

Editing a bank account

Adding a bank account

Deleting a bank account

Deleting a bank account