Johnson Inc.

Claims are processed within one business day.

No, electronic submissions of predetermination requests are not accepted.

Yes, it’s possible, but it depends on the member’s insurance policy.

You will be paid by cheque or direct deposit based on the information you provided when registering with TELUS.
Frequency: Twice a month (the 5th and the 20th of each month)
By default, you are set up with electronic statements. You will be charged a fee for cheques and/or paper statements. In order to request a paper statement, please contact Express Scripts Canada at 1-800-563-3274.

Not at this time, as currently not supported.

Yes, you can submit more than one claim but only the first will be paid, the second claim will be sent to an examiner for review.

At this time, only healthcare providers registered with TELUS Health can submit expense forms electronically:
Massage therapists
Naturopathic doctors
Vision care providers (opticians and optometrists)