D.A. Townley

Claims are adjudicated 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, excluding maintenance periods.

A response following a claim acknowledgement is usually processed within one week. Predeterminations and rejected claims are mailed to providers daily. Cheques, along with explanation of benefit statements for payable claims, are mailed on the 1st and 16th of each month. For direct deposit the payment will be sent the next business day.

Cheques and payment statements are issued to providers every two weeks. For a provider to use direct deposit, their email and banking information must be completed. They can update their email and banking information from the Provider Portal homepage, under Profile > Profile & security questions and My Account > Banking information, respectively. All Explanations of Benefits for direct deposit payments are available electronically on the eClaims portal in the “Payment Statement” section. It is important to note that since TELUS Health issues payments on behalf of D.A. Townley, the name of the insurer on the payment statement is "D.A. Townley" and the name on the bank statement is "TELUS ADJUDICAR".

No, coordination of benefits is not supported.

No, only one treatment per day for the same procedure code is eligible.

Expenses for the following specialized healthcare providers are supported:
Massage therapists
Naturopathic doctors
Occupational therapists
Physiotherapy technologists
Social workers
Speech therapists