Draft claims

Save a draft claim and complete it up to 30 days later.

Create the claims for all of your appointments in your week or month in advance, then simply submit each claim in a few seconds, while you are billing the patient. Your patients will no longer have to wait while you process the claim. You'll now be able to dedicate this extra time to them, such as by booking their next appointment!

  • We know that the main challenge in terms of submitting claims is having that time in-between patients to submit claims. You are often rushed as you need to issue the bill and book the next appointment, all while the next patient is waiting.

  • With the ability to save claims as drafts, you can review your schedule and prepare draft claims for your whole week or even up to 30 days in advance. You can choose a time when you are not as busy to do this. We recommend to do this at the end of beginning of the week, so that your full week is prepared in advance.

  • The process of creating a draft claim is the same as the process of submitting, except you simply select Save as a draft instead of Submit claim in the final step. You can also save and exit a claim while it is incomplete.

  • On the day of the appointment, simply go to the Drafts tab and find your claim. You can filter the list of drafts by Patient last name, and select Apply filters. This process will take you just a few seconds.

    Drafts tab

  • You will now have more time to dedicate to your patient and do other tasks such as booking their next appointment.

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Viewing drafts

Creating a draft claim to submit later

Continuing a draft claim