GMS Carriers 49 and 50

Claims are adjudicated 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, except on Sunday from 12:00 a.m. to 7:00 a.m. EST.

Claims are processed within a business day.

No, electronic submissions of predetermination requests are not accepted by the insurance company.

Yes, assignment of payment to the provider is possible, providing the plan member’s policy enabled this feature.

Payment is made by direct deposit or cheque (providers requiring cheques will incur a fee), depending on how the provider is registered with TELUS Health. Payment frequency is twice a month (on the 5th and the 20th of each month). Providers are setup with electronic statement by default. To request a paper statement, please contact the Express Scripts Canada Call Centre at 1-800-563-3274.

No, coordination of benefits is not supported.

Yes, it is possible, if the procedure code is allowed. If not, only the first claim will be paid.

Expenses can be electronically submitted for all healthcare roles that TELUS Health currently supports, except for occupational therapists and social workers.