Simplify the claims process for your patients and increase their loyalty.

Michel Charbonneau
Account Executive, TELUS Health

According to the Dietitians of Canada association, Canadians are more aware of their food choices, shop smarter, and opt for better nutrition now more than ever before. As the number of people looking to take charge of their nutritional health continually increases, the dietitian profession needs to evolve to better meet the changing needs.

A study conducted by the Fraser Institute shows that approximately 80% of Canadian adults have turned to alternative and complementary medicines at least once in their life. Complementary health professionals are consequently becoming allies of choice for Canadians seeking to improve their well-being.

Demand for direct billing to insurers is steadily increasing, and patients now expect healthcare professionals to submit claims on their behalf, in real-time, at the point of service, just like at the pharmacy and the dentist.

This service is now available to dietitians and offers tangible benefits.

Reduce patients’ out-of-pocket expenses and your operating costs.

As a dietitian, you understand and promote the value of nutrient-dense foods – getting the most bang for your ‘caloric buck’, so to speak. It’s the same with benefits claims. When you offer direct billing for your services, patients only have to pay for the portion not covered by their insurance. They can therefore better plan their expenses and avoid paying large out-of-pocket sums – ensuring they get the most out of their experience with you.

Direct billing will not only benefit your patients, but your practice too. Do you accept credit card payments? Do you pay transaction fees on every dollar charged to a credit card? By offering direct billing to your patients, only the portion not covered by their insurance will be invoiced, which can reduce the fees your practice must pay to credit card companies. The following is an example of how much you could save in credit card fees by using eClaims, a direct billing service.

Try our savings calculator to find out how much you could save on annual credit card fees with eClaims.

Improve the patient experience with a free service.

More and more Canadians are asking for direct billing. A study by IPSOS Marketing and TELUS Health1 found that:

  • 50% would consider changing healthcare professionals in order to benefit from direct billing
  • 80% believe eClaims would improve their experience at healthcare professionals’ clinics
  • Nearly 70% select a healthcare professional according to the portion of the fees they must pay

Direct billing can improve accessibility to private healthcare services, contribute to improving Canadians’ health, and help increase your revenues. Determined to offer a quality experience, more than 60,000 Canadian allied health professionals are registered for eClaims.2

Submit claims for in-person or virtual consultations.

The demand from patients for virtual healthcare consultations is increasing rapidly. Dietitians can now leverage electronic claim submissions for virtual consultations just as quickly and easily as for in-person services.

Our team of experts prepared resources to help you leverage eClaims when conducting virtual consults. Access our portfolio of resources to determine which insurers cover virtual consults, which types of services are covered, frequently asked questions, helpful links and articles, and more.

Participating insurers for dietitians.

Many insurers already support eClaims, with more coming on-board regularly.

Use eClaims from your practice management software.

Reduce double entry and streamline your billing workflows by using eClaims directly from your practice management software solution.

Want to see it in action?

Our team of experts did a live demonstration specifically for dietitians and presented the numerous benefits it offers you and your patients.

Watch the webinar recording

Discover why 90% of Canadian allied health professionals who use eClaims would recommend it to their peers.3

Register today – it’s free

1. IPSOS Marketing, 2018
2. TELUS Health data, 2019
3. TELUS Health, 2019